pel*I*Can Dream

Pelicans...beautiful, awkward, strong, vulnerable...

Within everyone is a dream...

I can dream...

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


carry me softly into the night
to awaken in dreams of silver
and golden deliciousness

escape is freeing for my mind and soul
from bonds I feel but are still unfamiliar
foreign and uncomfortable
but with no good reason I do not pull against them

keep my space
guard it
as I would keep yours for you

I will transition from here forward
with good intention and knowing
or may be just believing
that tomorrow will hold my space

I embrace this second, this moment
to live and be alive
to act and take action
to falter

I forget, forgive, I love now and through
till near dawn
when I seek to be reborn

to awaken from dreams
and begin anew

Saturday, March 7, 2015


I am beyond fabulous (and you know how it stretches me to say so)
I am capable of achieving multiple dreams
I breathe in the acceptance of life - a life of allowing and abundance,
One I know that is waiting for me on the other side of my wall of resistance.
To capture this life, to seek it out and rope it in, is too aggressive.
I allow the dream to overtake and wash over me
To take me by surprise
To overwhelm me...
I drink it in slowly, the warmth and sweetness, savoring all the gifts it has to offer.
That is slower, better, more seductive
This will feed and fertilize the seeds that are waiting to be nourished
The seeds of my soul
...they are mine to care for, mine to nurture
The mustard seed is small yet grows to fill, to fulfill its destiny
and so can I
so will I
allow, go beyond